Saturday, February 4, 2012

Day 3

Today I made the second character Space Girl Stella Did all the tutorials and just need to wait for the skills to lvl up. I'm also working on a Spreadsheet for this Account to have a better overview of my production planets. With the money that I got from then second characters tutorial missions, I managed to get all the Planets on Alexia to a max possible production output.

I checked out some planets to see what would be the best to produce. The planets in HighSec rly go from bad to worse :(. For now I have two options. To go for the most profitable P1 which is in low supply(raw resources) on the planets, or to go for a P1 that has high supply(raw resources) on planets and is somewhere in the middle in the price range.

For now my characters skill up faster than I can get the money for the planets infrastructures. I might try to ask for a loan on the Market Forums.

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