Saturday, February 11, 2012

Day 11

I put some numbers trough my head and it seems that building Nano-Factorys will give a bigger profit. If I consider the amount of resources on planets and the number of processors I would need, then I come to the following conclusion. I could supply 1 P4 processor(Self-Harmonizing Power Core) with only 25% of needed resources. A  (Nano-Factory) processor on the other hand could run on 100%. I did only search trough 7 systems for suitable planets, but I imagine that I won't find a planet with rare resources that is not dried out and a processor(Self-Harmonizing Power Core) needs to many of those rare resources. Lets see what numbers per month we get.

One month production!
12 planets

Self-Harmonizing Power Core
97.200.000 ISK export p4
45.360.000 ISK import p3
90.720.000 ISK export p3
38.880.000 ISK import p2
77.760.000 ISK export p2
34.560.000 ISK import p1
69.120.000 ISK export p1
453.600.000 ISK total tax 100%
1.209.600.000 ISK income 100%
113.400.000 ISK total tax 25%)
302.400.000 ISK income 25%
756.000.000 ISK profit
189.000.000 ISK profit
97.200.000 ISK export p4
30.240.000 ISK import p3
60.480.000 ISK export p3
25.920.000 ISK import p2
51.840.000 ISK export p2
23.040.000 ISK import p1
46.080.000 ISK export p1
334.800.000 ISK total tax
633.600.000 ISK income
298.800.000 ISK profit

Hmm this P4s still make less money than mass of P1s o_O

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