Saturday, February 9, 2013

PI Extraction Testing

PI Extraction
Planet Destruction

PI extracting is serious business. I went to the TEST server to see how much I can deplete the surface. My method was simply to chose a 24h program length and cancel it after two or more cycles. Then simply restarting it.

It is clear that the resources will get depleted and while I only mined for 2-4 cycles the whole amount of the program length was extracted. Below  is a gif animation showing the resource map (skills are 4/5). The whole process took about 18h to deplete a WH Gas Planet.

I actually managed to deplete a part of the Planet to the absolute 0. :P

Edit: It's been a whole week since and the spot has not regenerated any resources. Might this be permadamage to the planet?


  1. Red marker is the coordinates of head,not the extract amount

  2. Hey I just found your beginners PI spreadsheet it's very well written definately needs a woman touch sometimes lol thanks a lot for your sheets im an avid spreadsheeter myself and try and make it as user friendly even if its only me using it , graphs colours essential info

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